You may have come here looking for any of the following?

JME Associates Ltd - main eLearning business site.

The University of Vincennes (Paris VIII)- a sociology of the curriculum (1972)
Written a long time ago as part of my first degree at Leicester University

The Institute of Sociology (1986)
Le Play House and the Regional Survey Movement in British Sociology 1920 - 1955
Written as an M Phil thesis at Birmingham Polytechnic (CNAA), March 1986.

Art History (2009)
Revision aids for 20th Century Art History, AA318, UK Open University.

Veit Stoss Krakow Altarpiece (2008)
“The most comprehensive and suggestive Speculum humanae salvationis” – how do questions about the construction, style and iconography of Veit Stoss’s Krakow altarpiece affect our understanding of the work?.
Written for AA315, Renaissance Art Reconsidered, UK Open University, September 2008.

Richard Wagner's Wesendonck Lieder (2010)
"To the angel who has lifted me so high" : the relationship between the music of Richard Wagner and the poems of Mathilde Wesendonck in Funf Gedichte für eine Frauenstimme, with particular reference to ‘Der Engel’ and ‘Traüme.
Written for AA317 Words and Music, UK Open University, September 2010.

Film and TV Studies (2011)
Revison aids for TV and Film Studies course AA310, UK Open University.

Mad Men (2011)
Written for AA310 Film and Television History, UK Open University, September 2011.

An Affair to Forget (2024)
Review of Jens Neubert's film, The Zurich Affair for The Wagner Journal, Volume 18 No 2

The Mastersingers of Madrid (2024)
Review of Los Maestros Cantores de Nuremberg for The Wagner Journal, Volume 18 No 3

If you use or quote from any of the above, a message, a link to this site, and appropriate acknowledgements would be appreciated.


David Evans

November 2024